building beyond belief

“Coaching is my passion. Guiding you into your empowered future is my calling.” - Dimitria L. Cook

Self-Alignment Card deck

“I really appreciate how your mind works. You express with ease things that barely anyone truly can fathom in their everyday lives. Your cards help me think about life in a different perspective!!” - Eric S.

Work with Dimitria


    Individuals hire me to write high quality stories on their behalf. Everyone has a story to tell, and I elevate your story to empower others.

  • One-on-One Coaching

    Confidential one-on-one meetings are ideal for executive coaching. Establish clear goals and improve performance and effectiveness within the workplace. Personalized attention tailored to help you build resiliency and create a higher quality of life. One-on-one executive coaching is for professionals in corporate, tech, nonprofit, entertainment, education, and entrepreneurship who want to secure their empowered future.

  • Cohort Coaching

    Professionals meet in a small cohort once a month. They form bonds through shared experiences in a supportive community. They create space for themselves to tap into a growth mindset, embrace self-care, learn resiliency, and develop better communication and leadership skills.


    Reclaiming Your Time Management

    How do you leverage your time for maximum productivity?

    What do you do when your task list is too long?

    What is your self-care routine?

    Resiliency or Resistance

    How do you bounce back from challenges?

    How do you know you are living a life with purpose?

    What is your relationship with self?

    Leadership and Influence

    What is a leader?

    How do you lead others?

    How do you influence others?

    Effective Communication

    What is effective communication?

    What factors influence how your message is received?

Certified Executive and leadership development coach

Dimitria L. Cook, ICF Member Coach


Improve your communication skills



Tap into your power as a leader. Know you belong in any room with senior-level and c-suite executives. Embrace your strengths as a leader, mentor, and advisor.

set clear goals

Lean into your strengths and make better decisions, be resilient, and amplify your voice as a more effective communicator.